Refinished Antique Factory cart
Here are some pictures of an antique factory cart that Dwayne and I refinished. It has been cleaned up from the original but not completely. You can see some of the original paint here and there. I didn't want it to look perfect like the ones in the stores that sell for like $500 dollars. It has a nice finish now and should last FOREVER! I left the boards untouched underneath so if someone wanted to they could flip them over and do as they pleased with them. The wood is beautiful They sure used pretty wood, even on things like this back in the days when wood was used instead of plastic and wire. Most people use them as a coffee table.
This cart is available for purchase if anyone is interested. It's quite heavy so pick up is probably the best option unless you have a better idea and know how to do it. I have more waiting to be refinished but just haven't gotten to them. If you are interested in an unfinished one we can talk about that too.
This was sold to a new friend who just happens to live close by. I so enjoyed meeting her and I felt so happy that she wanted this. I am so glad she liked it. Thank you so much Tracy.